
R (Teresa Maher) v (1) First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health), (2) Lord Chancellor and (3) Secretary of State for Justice

Author / Contributor: Kris Gledhill
R (Teresa Maher) v (1) First-Tier Tribunal (Mental Health), (2) Lord Chancellor and (3) Secretary of State for Justice
Issue: Whether the mother of the victim of someone made subject to hospital and restriction orders under ss37/41 Mental Health Act 1983 was entitled to reasons or the gist of reasons for a Tribunal decision to grant a Conditional Discharge; whether she was entitled to submit a Victim Personal Statement to the Tribunal; whether she was entitled to request a review of the decision to grant a Conditional Discharge.
Court: Administrative Court
Reference:   CO/1672/2021
Neutral Citation:   [2023] EWHC 34 (Admin)
Judge(s): Stacey J
Date: 44939